
Prominent ears

An otoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to correct anomalies or cosmetic defects in the ears. It is generally performed to correct protruding, asymmetrical or overly large ears.

The ears are called prominent when they present one or more of the following characteristics :

  • A lack of plication of the area called “anthelix”.
  • A too large angle between the concha and the bone behind the ear.
  • An enlargement of the hollow of the ear called "the concha".

Here are the different interventions that can be proposed:

The procedure for protruding ears

Corrective surgery for protruding ears is called otoplasty.
This procedure is partially covered by health insurance in the event of social inconvenience, without prior agreement necessary .
Otoplasty is offered to children from the moment a request is clearly formulated on their part, which is generally the case from the age of 7.
Prominent ear surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis, and lasts approximately 35 minutes per side. The incision is made behind the ear. The cartilage is folded using wires. The skin is sutured using absorbable sutures, therefore requiring no removal. Otoplasty is generally not very painful.

No dressing is put in place after the procedure. There is only a small absorbable gauze placed behind the ear.
The appearance of the ears is thus visible upon returning from the operating room. No dressing or bandage is placed following the operation.
It is possible to put on a light “make-up” type bandage during the night during the first month, but this is not obligatory. Very tight “rugby” type headbands must absolutely be avoided.
You are asked to avoid sports with a risk of contact for 1 to 3 months (handball, basketball, football, rugby).


Earlobe reduction

Ear lobule reduction, called "earlobe lifting" is offered in cases where the lobule is too large or drooping.
This operation can be performed under local anesthesia , by direct reduction of excess skin.



Would you like to have an opinion or have your ears operated on?

Doctor Carles offers consultations for otoplasty in Montpellier and Paris.

Make an appointment

By telephone at 04 11 93 27 21

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